Dream, dare, do—I’m sure these words resonate with every Emirati woman. At their core lies our soaring imagination, which leads to the culmination of our aspirations and goals. In fact, had it not been for my ability to imagine, I may not have been writing this column today.
But for many of us Generation Z girls, the fear of being imaginative was part of growing up. We were sometimes wary of daydreaming and getting distracted, and not treading the path that had been laid out for us. But being one of the first generations that’s fully immersed in the digital age, we indulged our imagination through social media platforms and used them for inspiration.
Despite its multitude of benefits, social media can have a negative impact, as it has the potential to corrupt an original idea, and distract us from reforming the society we live in. That’s why I don’t allow it to control my life and try to use it as an active forum to engage and learn. I’m more inclined towards content creation than merely posting images and videos. It’s the story behind the visuals that matters to me.
When I was 16, I took inspiration from my mother, lawyer Diana Hamade, a television show and Snapchat (you read that right), envisioning going to law school in London, and being part of the judges’ bench. I was impressed with stories of female judges, who were only a handful at the time.
I tried to imagine what it’d be like for a young Emirati girl to preside over court as a judge. And I acted on this thought by applying to law school in the United Kingdom. You can only imagine how surprised my parents were when I received, not one, but three, acceptance letters.
To my amazement, the study of law piqued my imagination even further. Legal reasoning is made supple by its use of the imaginative mind, as it allows jurists to communicate doubt, explore what’s at stake in a dispute, express hesitation, and bring the language of law alive.
My imagination proved to be my inspiration and I pursued a career in law. I’m motivated by my passion for the field and I’m inspired by the perspectives of legal minds that I’m blessed to cross paths with every day.
My fellow Gen Zers, don’t be afraid to explore your imagination. Dream big and make things happen because it’s wonderful to imagine that something that exists in your mind can become a reality one day.
Nada Hamad Al-Ghurair is an advocate in the making. She attended Latifa School for Girls and pursued a Bachelor’s degree in law at an es- teemed university in London. She’s currently studying for the NY Bar qualification. Through her Gen Z Emirati column, she reveals the successes and struggles shared by her generation.