by Jessica Michault
  • 5 minute read
  • July 12, 2024
Founders of The Pelican Club unpack the art of creating bespoke travel plans

When it comes to luxury travel, few bring the level of expertise and deep-rooted connections that Jamsheed and Jennica Pocha offer. With their combined decade-plus experience working in-house for prestigious names like The Four Seasons, The Maybourne Group, and Rocco Forte Hotels, they have an unmatched understanding of the industry.

Here, the duo, who have recently launched The Pelican Club – a new venture that aims to revolutionise luxury travel by creating a members-only club that offers highly personalised and limitless travel experiences – delve into what it takes to make every holiday an unforgettable experience that will live on rent-free in the mind for decades.

The Pelican Club founders, Jamsheed and Jennica Pocha. Image: Supplied

Can you share the story behind the name The Pelican Club? How did you come up with it? 

We wanted a name that was different and that captured one’s attention and piqued curiosity. We added ‘club’ to the name as we wanted to create a model that instilled a sense of belonging. People want to ultimately feel a part of something, and we pride ourselves on providing more of a community than a traditional agency atmosphere. 

The idea behind choosing a pelican specifically is multi-layered. Firstly, pelicans can travel long distances with a minimum of effort – symbolic of the service we offer to our clients, allowing them to enjoy the fun part while we take care of the rest. And they rarely stay in one place for long. In fact, pelicans take a 1,500 mile flight – gliding much of the time – throughout the year, for the duration of their entire lives. This rings true for ourselves and our clients as well. 

How do you ensure that each client’s experience is unique and personalised? 

When they join The Pelican Club, we take the time to get to know our clients. Nothing we plan is ever part of an existing template, or ‘cookie cutter’ in its approach. We want to know as much as our clients are willing to share about themselves. Are you an aisle or window person? Tell us all about your pet, your hobbies and interests. What are your favourite hotels and dining preferences? What are your family dynamics and what is the most memorable trip you’ve ever been on? And, of course, your bucket list! 

We also never book travel via portals or through industry software systems. Rather, we reach out directly to our contacts – which we maintain on a global scale, across most if not all luxury properties – within each location, or at each hotel or villa, taking the time to speak with them about the guest they will be hosting so that they fully understand them as well and know what to expect (and, in turn, what to offer).

A bespoke holiday crafted by The Pelican Club. Image: The Pelican Club

What sets The Pelican Club apart from other luxury travel planning companies? 

We have created a membership-based model, because we want to build a long-term relationship with our members. We truly care (and think) about every little detail, no matter how granular it may seem, and really try to make one’s time away seamless. 

Our members are provided with a team of global travel experts, who are always a call, email or message away, to grant them access to the best of the best. We turn over every rock to make it happen for our clients. Ultimately, our clients are not hiring a travel planner, but rather they are outsourcing their lifestyle planning to experts who get to know what they like on every level so they can spend their time making memories, not planning them. 

How are you particularly catering to travellers in the GCC region? 

The GCC market itself is known for opulence, the ultimate in luxury, and truly exceptional service. Seemingly, every detail – no matter how big or small – is thought of, and often personalised.

This is something we bear in mind when planning travel for clients from the region, knowing what they are accustomed to at home and what their preferences – and expectations – are as a result. 

Often, with this clientele, it is about identifying truly bespoke and ‘once in a lifetime’ experiences, and staying on the cusp of the newest properties globally that offer something different. In addition, we need to ensure that the service and amenities are considered and the best of the best. 

Your view after booking a holiday through The Pelican Club. Image: The Pelican Club

What do you see for The Pelican Club over the next decade?

We are quite selective with regards to who we work with, and we see ourselves growing with care and intention. Looking for the right client, and continuing to strengthen our industry relationships and knowledge, is of the utmost importance to us. 

We are also always working on improving the technology-driven elements of our services, and seamlessly integrating these tools into our clients’ existing lifestyles (be it calendars, reminders, itineraries or contacts). 

Our ultimate aim is to set ourselves apart as the niche company for those who appreciate the finer things in life, and those who are time-poor and in need of someone – or a team – to manage access and planning for them. 

Anything else our readers should know about what sets your business apart? 

We are truly motivated to provide the best possible experience for each and every client, working to understand them in a way that is wholly unique. We don’t aspire to tick boxes, but rather, we want to play a leading role in creating memories for our clients. For instance, we have had clients who have travelled to most places and are after something more – which is where our creativity comes in. 

Many clients really want to be immersed in the culture. For example, for one family with older children, we arranged for them to join the anti-poaching teams in South Africa. They found it incredibly thrilling, and a little frightening, but it was wonderful to be a part of the change. As another example, we recently organised a private tour for a family of the Kennedy Space Center with a real astronaut and an opportunity for the children to sit inside the spaceship. Then, they all had lunch with the astronaut team in a private room, usually used by dignitaries and officials, and astronauts’ families during launches. It is this kind of access, and attention to detail, that keeps our clients coming back.

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