by Mira Kerbage
  • 1 minute read
  • January 16, 2021
Marie Kondo Releases New Collection In Collaboration With The Container Store

Japanese author and TV personality, Marie Kondo, released a collection of sustainable organizing essentials in collaboration with American company, The Container Store.

The collection is inspired by the Japanese culture and features a number of organizing products for the kitchen, the closet, the office, and the children’s playroom.

Hikidashi which literally translates to drawer in Japanese, is a series of storage boxes of different shapes and sizes, that can fit in any space.

According to Marie Kondo, on KonMari’s official website, these boxes are “made from sturdy recycled paper, they’re perfect for organizing your clothes, accessories and treasured items. They are simple and beautiful – with a touch of whimsy.”

For organizing your closet, Kondo created a set of hangers made from metal and naturally renewable element, bamboo.

The professional organiser also drew her inspiration from traditional Japanese architecture, particularly the “Shoji,” a room divider made with transparent sheets and a lattice frame.

The Shoji collection consists of a set of bamboo storage boxes that can be displayed or stored away, adding an elegant and traditional touch to a functional product.

Marie Kondo gained international recognition through her hit Netflix series “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo,” in which she helps people declutter their homes and take back control of their lives.

Images via Kon Mari website

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