by Rawan bin Hussain
  • 3 minute read
  • January 21, 2020
3 Lessons I’ve Learnt From My First Pregnancy That All Mothers Need To Know

I had always heard that motherhood is beautiful, that every step evokes love and patience. Little did I know that the love and sense of nurturing I would feel during my pregnancy would be indescribable. The feeling of being pregnant is like no other—I feel in love with this human that I’ve never met.

Despite a busy work life, I’m always smiling because I want to focus on the blessings that I have and the sense of privilege I feel as I take my first steps towards motherhood. I want to be able to enjoy every bit of this phase. I recall my dad saying that he didn’t think I’d be responsible enough to take care of event a pet. Look at me now, dad!’

And out of all the people, I’m in awe of myself, my body and all the things that nature blesses a woman with when she brings new life into the world. Our bodies are so capable and so powerful naturally. I urge every pregnant woman to trust her body and this incredible journey into motherhood. I’m frequently asked about how I’m juggling between my personal and professional life during pregnancy, and my mantra is simple – sleep, rest, eat and enjoy natural products to sustain your health. Everything else falls second. 

As I’m now full-term, I’ve realized a few things that I’d like to share with expectant mothers and those who are new to motherhood. I hope these snippets help you as much as they’ve helped me.

Embrace the hormonal changes

Acne and scars are a part of this process. Being someone who hasn’t struggled with acne before, I was taken aback by the hormonal changes my pregnancy caused. But I’m not bothered by them anymore. I know that my health is so much more important and deep than what shows on the skin. Sure, it can be a task to remain positive but remember, your body is doing and creating something magical. You’re so powerful as a woman and a mark on your cheek can’t change that. Being at peace with your changing body is essential and lays down the course for all that’s to unravel over the next nine months.

Rest comes first

I’ve grown to love my time to rest. I enjoy taking a day in, resting and just putting my feet up. These are the little luxuries that you need to enjoy as an expectant mom. My favorite pastime is to take a warm bath with soothing bath salts. I’m often asked about my beauty regimen during pregnancy and I don’t have a designated one. I can’t comment on food because everybody’s needs are unique. Personally, I eat everything healthy. Consume a lot of water and focus on a 100% natural supplements and vitamins.

Surround yourself with loved ones

Spending more time with my family has to be my favorite part of being pregnant. I feel so good learning about various little details of pregnancy or being a mother from my family members. Quality in everything matters, even the conversations you have and the people you surround yourself with, especially during pregnancy. I believe your child feels it all along with you. To all fellow moms-to-be, don’t let an unpleasant moment ruin the rest of the experience for you. This period is so beautiful and you’re going to miss it. 

It’s normal to have a few concerns about what’s coming when you’re pregnant. But remember, this is a time for self-reflection, to understand that you now have a little life that depends on you, that you have to take care of your baby. And how will you achieve that if you’re not happy and healthy? Embrace the physical changes and love your body. Health isn’t a size but it’s about how you feel. Love yourself, love your baby and enjoy this ride towards motherhood.



All images from Rawan’s baby shower

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