by Nada Al-Ghurair
  • 2 minute read
  • October 14, 2020
Gen Z Emirati: Nada Al-Ghurair Reveals How Her Generation Navigates Life Choices

Hello, my fellow Generation Zers. As I write my first column for Villa 88 magazine, I wish to use this space as a loving, lyrical essay to us—the youth influencers of tomorrow, whose struggles and successes are paving the way for the future. We’re the next big thing for market researchers and trend forecasters; we’re the torchbearers of change and our greatest strength is that we’re hyper-aware.

I was raised by a mother and father from Generation X, who have always had open discussions with us over the dinner table. From professional endeavors to social issues, we talk about everything, which has helped stimulate our minds and perceive the world with a holistic approach.

At school, my teachers always encouraged me to push boundaries, get better grades and secure a place in a top university, while pursuing extracurricular activities that ranged from playing the violin to honing my skiing skills on the black slopes in Italy.

As netizens and voices of change, the onus is on us to use social media platforms to make a difference.

As I was pursuing a degree at a university in London, I immediately started contemplating my future plans. It seems like this is a Gen Z ‘thing’—we need to weigh our options well before entering the professional world. For me, the goal was to qualify as a lawyer and look for a job, which was a rigorous process.

In my experience, internships proved to be helpful when I was seeking job opportunities. In fact, my most recent internship landed me a full-time role at the company. All the hard work in my former years and managing time-sensitive school and university projects have prepared me for my current role. I’m sure you can relate.

On the social front, Gen Z is often faced with generalizations and misconceptions. We may be digital natives, but being called technology-centric terms, such as the ‘selfie generation’ and ‘iGen’, doesn’t do justice to us. But there’s no gainsaying that social media has had a bigger impact on us than on the preceding generations.

It has helped us find common ground and a voice in our daily lives, but has also deeply impacted our daily choices, from the cake we order for weekend family gatherings, to the trendy cafes we want to be seen at and post about, to where we find our dose of news. Our feeds on social media are what we feed on.

As netizens and voices of change, the onus is on us to use social media platforms to make a difference. Before I put my pen down, I wish to tell Emiratis across generations that you inspire me and make me want to strive for the best. I can’t wait to share my journey with you all. And to my fellow Gen Zers, we’ll meet again soon. Don’t stop posting and spreading positivity.

Nada Al-Ghurair is an advocate in the making. She attended Latifa School for Girls and then pursued a Bachelor’s degree in law at an esteemed university in London. She’s currently studying for the NY Bar qualification. With her Gen Z Emirati column, she’ll reveal the successes and struggles shared by her generation.

Photography: Aasiya Jagadeesh, Location: Opa Dubai

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